Ancillary products must maintain the same quality as the materials used in fine arts. The use of industrial products will make the stay of our work runs an unavoidable risk. These materials have been developed to "complement" the range of colors and thus enable its full potential.
What is the basic system of paint MIR?
All work inexorably begins with the preparation of the support. "No work can survive if its support does not survive" that is why we must prepare it professionally and appropriately in each case.
Painting Basic System of Water: SBPA
Basic System of Oil Painting: SBPO
SBPA: Gesso Sealant + Universal + Water + Colour + Effects Final Varnish (optional)
SBPO: Universal Sealer + Gesso + oil + Colour + Effects Final Varnish (optional)
Technique: OTHERS
• Features: Fund for preparing rigid or flexible surfaces that will receive water-based paints or oil. When dry it forms a self-levelling film which looks opaque and permeable. Ideal for work then with acrylics, watercolors, oils, inks, etc... It has a high opacity and adhesion.
• Uses: The characteristic opacity, fluency and self-levelling enable to use it pure with a brush or a roller. When it is dry, you can review the work using sandpaper if necessary.