• Features: The mediums for high quality paints are not only oils and solvents but they are mixtures of several substances wich has a vehicle of the pigments.
As a consequence, it does not alter the basic features of the colors.
• Uses: Mix these oil mediums with oil-based paints in order to enhance the adhesion, make glazes, increase or decrease the final brightness of the colors, keeping the balance of the formulations and their properties. This product guarantees the quality of the work if used adequately.
• Tip’s: Varnish and oil mixture/solvents are not mediums so is it advisable no to use them as such.
Technique: OIL
• Features: This light golden yellow Medium improves the elasticity of the film and enables to prevent crackles. This product slightly reduces the drying time and it is very useful for glazes without abusing oils and essences.
• Uses: It can be deluted with turpentine or MIR Oil Essences.