• Features: Dryer for high quality oil-based paints are composed of metal salts that act as catalysts in the reaction of oxidation of oils. This process by which the colors "dry" is actually a chemical reaction called “oxidative polymerization” which is the process by which the colors are hardened overtime. No high quality desiccant should be added by passing a maximum of 5% on the color.
• Uses: Uniformly mixed with the colors.
• Tip's: A simple way to incorporate the drying and make sure not to overdose the preparation consists in mixing it before with Discoloured linseed oil discolored in order to dose the mix with the colors afterward.
Technique: OIL
Family: DRYERS
• Features: Elaborated by combining the properties of thee cobalt (surface drying) and Zirconium (dry mass of paint). It is reocmended to use it in very small doses (in a 20ml tube 2 to 4 drops) to prevent defects in the coating.
• Tip's: It's tone dooes not affect the bright colors in the concentrations used.