• Features: The varnish for high quality oil-based paints have several functions. Mainly used to protect the work once finished. It dries increasing the resistance of colors and preventing environmental dust, moisture, and climatic factors that may damage the work. Moreover, there are specific coatings that do not only protect but also modify the final characteristics of the work as: the deepness or the brightness of the tones.
• Uses: When it is completely dry, apply a final varnish to the work. Once achieved, it is recommended to varnish oil paintings after a year. It is possible to modify a work after a period of 3-6 months but only if you use the retouching varnish.
• Tip's: Varnishes may be used in a ventilated and dust-free environment. The ideal position of the work is horizontal.
Technique: OIL
• Features: Vanish made of a dilution of synthetic resin essences. it dires quickly and provides a transparent and glossy film.
• Tip's: Especially suitable as a final varnish. It is applied using soft brushes, flat, wide, quality. If you use this product thanks to an aerosol, it should be applied regulary to a distance of 20/30 cm from the work