• Features: Generally used to reduce the consistency of oil-based paints, you can also dilute varnishes or clean utensils.
• Applications: Mixed with the colors,it diminishes their consitency making them more fluid and transparent. These products are particulary adapted for cleaning utensils. For the brushes, a final wash is recommended with the Special MIR Shampoo for brushes in order to maintain its qualities and make it last longer. These products must be used moderadly because in excess it can cause crazing because it eliminates the flat part of the oil-based colors.
• Tip 's: Whenever you work with solvents, it is advisable to do it in a ventilated area.
Technique: OIL
• Features: Similar to the MIR Oil Essence but completely odourless due to a distillation process that removes the substances that cause the smell.
• Tip 's: The lack of smell does not mean forgetting the precautions when using it because the characteristics are the same as the Essence of Oil.